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Relaxing with a calming embrace

I had heard alot about music playing in the background while you study for exams or tests. I had recently seen that you can put on music while you read. I thought perhaps I'd give it a try. There were playlists on youtube that were geared towards listning while you read. I thought it might be a nice getaway in the home. I woke up early in the morning with my phone alarm and placed the playlist on after making a coffee. When I came back into the room I got my book and placed my coffee on a coaster that was on a table. It was classical music from modern musicions and it was very fairy tale oriented and ambient. I picked up my book with a blaket in the bed and began to read. I notice the difference of reading in silence was that the normal movements such as movement in the kitchen or around the house was locked out or overpowered by that classical music. All the attention went to the peace of having classical and my reading. The movement in the music gave a little kick to my peace and imagination while reading and the conversations in the house were drowned out. I finally had a book to myself and the atmosphere of peace in my room reading. I placed my book down afetr 15 to 20 minutes of reading and realized the music in the backgroung was no where near an unlhealthy distraction like I had thought it would be.



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After university, for a medical course studying the nervous system, I ended up being bedridden in a manageable but life-changing hospital situation. I found myself needing to leave my busy life and appreciate taking time out to do the things I love like reading and writing. I learned to appreciate these things and came across the situation where I would love to blog about the small things that can make your day that much brighter especially when you take the time out for them.

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