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Savoring a soothing accompaniment with my dreamy escape

Waking up around 8:30 am at the latest I normally put on a kettle to set a classy cup of Instant coffee to go with my book in the morning. I realized that perhaps this was all too mundane and routine. Perhaps my experience with my reading in the morning could be spiced up with an affordable method of leaving the classic cup of joe and walking into a soothing experience with coffee in the home. I had heard of the method of working with whole coffee beans to create a more wholesome experience with your coffee. I visited my local bulk food store and pulled out a scoop of Colombian roasted coffee beans. After it was weighted the bag came up to $9.00 with it almost being a pound of beans. I purchased a $20.00 coffee bean grinder from a home and house store and also a $10.00 French press. This including a $5.00 ceramic coffee grind or bean container from the dollar store is far cheaper than your common espresso maker or your modern capsule-using cappuccino or latte maker. Once everything was in the home the next morning I woke up to place on my electric kettle. I took out a couple of teaspoons of coffee beans and ground them up with the coffee grinder to fine dust. Once the kettle was done boiling I placed the coffee grounds into the French press and set the hot kettle water to make the coffee with the French press. There was enough coffee for one large mug I even tried to place in some cinnamon. I took the coffee up to my bedroom to read in the morning but when I tasted it while I was reading I noticed the caffeine was a lot more potent but smoother than the Instant coffee. I woke up to the morning sunlight through the window a lot smother than normal and the taste was a lot more acute. I was crazy about the taste of the coffee with my book. The taste was also a lot more satisfying for a cup of coffee since it was also a lot more fresh. I will admit the caffeine didn't just come in smooth to wake me up but also lasted all through the read like that. If I were to say anything that I liked the most it was the freshness of the coffee and it made all the difference of experiencing things with my read in the morning.



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After university, for a medical course studying the nervous system, I ended up being bedridden in a manageable but life-changing hospital situation. I found myself needing to leave my busy life and appreciate taking time out to do the things I love like reading and writing. I learned to appreciate these things and came across the situation where I would love to blog about the small things that can make your day that much brighter especially when you take the time out for them.

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